Late Flowering Perennials for Wildlife Gardening
As the colder weather hurries us toward winter, the last of the summer's flowers continue to shine. Here are a few of my favourites.
Late Flowering Perennials for Wildlife Gardening
A Wildlife Friendly Garden
Camassias in the Spring Garden
A perennial planting scheme for a sunny garden border – perfect for pollinators
The time is now...planting tips for your favourite flowering bulbs
Make Plans and Get Planting
Focus on…Edible Perennials
No Time for January Blues
Putting the Garden to Bed
Focus on...Veronicastrum
Mulch mulch mulch
A Space for Wildlife
June Jobs
Making the Most of May
Container Gardening - A how to guide
Time for a Spring Clean
A Herb Garden
On the Pulse...
New beginnings
Letting the wild edges in